Life is for the Birds

Life is for the birds! This spring I have seen more robins drinking water at the bird bath, perhaps as many as 30 at a time. Also, the scrub jays have been with us most of the winter, begging for peanuts from our hands. They will land on our hands or let us hand feed them. Birds get friendly if you care for them year round.

Make a bird watching area in your yard or deck. Birds need several things to attract them to your yard. Make sure there is plenty of food during all four seasons and lots of fresh water. You can make a bird feeder and bath with an old pie tin or buy one at a discount store or a wild bird shop. Birds also love to eat old eggshells for calcium, which they need for laying eggs. Spread out some sand, which helps them in digestion. Buy a color illustrated bird book for the state where you live, they a less voluminous and are small enough to have near by. A good durable pair of binoculars is a must for up close viewing.

What do birds like to eat?
Different birds like different types of food. Sunflowers attract many common birds.

Sunflower seeds, black oil type, black stripped, and hulled, attract-
Blue jays
Evening grosbeak
Common grackle
American goldfinch
House finch
Mourning dove
Purple finch
Scrub jay
Song sparrow
Tufted titmouse White-crowned sparrow
White throated sparrow

Try other types of food such as, millet, peanuts, breadcrumbs,berries, grapes, cut up apples and oranges, and anything else you can think of. You and your chld can figue out what types of birds like cetain foods. What other animals does your food attract? (Squirrels? chipmunks? etc.)

Help birds make a nest. Leave in your bird area bits of yarn, string, cotton, stuffing, straw, bright strips of cloth, and even hair for building materials for a bird’s nest. Look at the nests this spring and see if you can find any of your building materials.

Most of all, bird calls for mating are so varied and interesting. Spring time is the most wonderful time to hear a symphony of bird melodies. Check out a cd or tape at your local library to study bird songs.

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