Montessori Jars

Jars and Lids-sensorial exercise
This is like a puzzle-it teaches visual differences of size-small to large, wide and narrow, tall and short


Various size of jars and matching lids. Make sure each lid is a different size.
Put the jars (with lids on) in a box .
Take out the three jars that vary the most in size.
Show your child how to screw off the lids.
Mix up the lids, carefully pick up one lid, and look at each jar to find the one that fits.
Screw it on the right jar.
Let your child do the exercise. Add more jars as your child masters the exercise.

Talk about the difference in jar and lid sizes, such as large, small, tall and short, wide and narrow

Advanced lesson:

Take out all the jars, lids, and let your child match the correct jars to the lids.

This exercise has a control of error because there will be at least one left over jar lid if done incorrectly.

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