Montessori and ADHD

I had a friend bring her son to the doctor because she and his teacher believed he had ADHD. At that time, it was called hyperactivity, implusiveness, and lack of attention. The doctor examined her son, who was very calm and attentive, and concluded he was normal. The quiet, one on one time in the doctor’s office showed that the change in environment had a positive effect her son. Symptom Variation in ADHD
explains about ADHD,
“An unfamiliar environment or situation may lessen symptoms. The same happens in dual relations or in calm settings, when the child receives attention and positive reinforcement from the adult. On the contrary, the classroom situation with its high stimulation level (noise, visual distractors, large class size) is likely to reveal or accentuate instability, impulsivity and inattention.”

During my training, we were told that the calm Montessori environment was beneficial to children with ADHD and ADD. The quiet environment that was prepared for movement and activity brought out the best in children with special needs.